Friday 13 September 2013

WRITING NUMBERS 1-10 from Pinecone Active Learning

Here is a fun jingle to help early learners correctly write their numbers. The first link provides the jingle with the words written below. The second link provides an interactive practice with numbers 1-10.  This is Common Core practice.   Have fun!

0 Start at the top and go around [repeat two more times] to make the number 0.

1 Start at the top and go straight down [repeat two more times] to make the number 1.

2 Halfway round and then straight out [repeat two more times] to make the number 2.

3 Halfway round and halfway round [repeat two more times] to make the number 3.

4 Down and out and then straight down [repeat two more times] to make the number 4.

5 Down, around, then make a hat [repeat two more times] to make the number 5.

6 Down, around, then close the loop [repeat two more times] to make the number 6.

7 Go across and then slant down [repeat two more times] to make the number 7.

8 Make an "S," then go right back [repeat two more times] to make the number 8.

9 Go around and then go down [repeat two more times] to make the number 9.

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